COUPON FRAUD WARNING: DISCOUNTSSTORY dot COM. There have been a number of websites attempting to defraud the public by claiming to have special Russell Rhodes coupons. Find out more about coupon fraud here: coupon fraud.
Typically, you click a link that says COUPONS or RUSSELL RHODES DISCOUNT CLICK HERE. Some sites have had notices that Russell Rhodes issues special secret coupons in the background so you don't need any kind of code at all. They say, "Just visit our site and we'll automatically put some undisclosed discount onto your invoice when you check out". This is the worst kind of fraud. You're promised something and you receive nothing. We have done and will continue to do everything we can to shut these sites down. But like criminals, you send one to jail and another pops up somewhere else.
We apologize for any inconvenience you may have suffered due to counterfeit attempts to defraud. As a courtesy and thank-you for your patronage, we want you to have a coupon and have issued one below. Please note you can use the coupon at any time and as many times as you like. Thank you for shopping with us!
RRSANTA12 This code offers a 12% discount on all of our items with a minimum purchase of 2 ornaments.
6FREE This code offers free shipping on 6 or more ornaments.
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5000+ Unique Decorations for All Holiday Occasions
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